Darkwallet is an open source bitcoin wallet that provides a solid foundation of well designed asynchronous code for scalability.

About Us

Person 1 Peter Todd (Chief Scientist)
Person 2 Amir Taaki (Libbitcoin)
Person 3 William Swanson of AirBitz (Libbitcoin)
Person 4 Eric Voskuil (Libbitcoin)
Person 5 Andres Vargas (Contibutor)
Person 6 Enric Duran (Chief Economist)
Person 7 Pablo Martin (Senior Developer)
Person 8 Sergio (Design)
Person 9 Sembrestels (Frontend Development)
Person 9 >Santiago Mendez (SysOp)
Person 9 Kamil Domanski (Contibutor)

… and all our online collaborators and friends! Thank you for the support.

Cooperativa Integral Catalana

Defense Distributed